Modern technology and old scams – what to be aware of

Scams actors have been around for a long time. However, old scams have new forms and are aggressive due to modern technology. Here are the prominent examples of frauds supported by internet technology as well as tech thievery examples. Beware of them next time you browse the internet or open your mail.

Fake Check Scam

Many are targeted these days by an array of fake checks. The fraudster sent the check, looking suspicious. The highest technology allows fraudsters to print these checks as they wish. And they are pretty authentic. The person targeted is required to fill in the check and wire some money to the scammer.

In many cases, the scammer sends checks to the person frequently selling online, for instance. That means it’s also the stalker and is looking for the opportunity to purchase, send the check with the higher amount and then request the victim to send the exceeding amount.

Caller ID Spoofing and bogus text messages

Over the years, the caller ID told people who were on the line. But today, using modern technology, crooks spoof the ID and what appears in your phone is the fake ID. It enables them to represent themselves as a company offering investment, products related to tech thievery, false Fore Signals, exceptional e-commerce offers, etc.

Beware that just because an ID appears on your display doesn’t make it the real offer. Exercise caution once you receive a call from a caller who asks you to disclose private information, your bank account or your Social Security number.

Today, scammers send bogus text messages to innocent consumers. These messages may contain a junk product for a monthly fee, often $6.66. If the victim doesn’t “opt-out” and declines the offer, she or he may find charges on the cell phone bill.

Most people are unaware that their cell phone bill could be used as a credit card, incurring charges for unwanted services. This practise is called “cramming.” hence the need to carefully review your phone bill to spot and stop unauthorized charges.


Phishing isa well known and old Internet and email scam. It happens when a scammer tries to persuade consumers into divulging private information. Then, the scammer poses as a bank clerk and asks the consumer to “confirm” their information.

If they do, the scammer uses the information to commit the crime of identity theft. This type of fraudster can send thousands of emails for pennies. If even one person bites, they make money.

Tips for Avoiding Scams

Now that you are able to spot these crooks that use modern technology to scam you, there is something for you to do to avoid them.

First and foremost, never give your financial account information and other sensitive data that scammers require. Also, don’t trust pop-ups just because it seems to be professional and awesome.

In case you receive a message or call from an unknown entity that does not respond, ignore it. And finally, if you received a message to fill in the check and send it immediately, it’s obvious you are dealing with a scammer. Regarding your phone bill and bank account, regularly check on them to spot suspicious activity.

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